2D CAD Development of Intended Design

Droid 2 Device

We all know the trademark Android 'Droid' logo, and in turn identify Android products and services with this image.

The task for me now with the aid of computer graphical software is to transform this image into a casing to house my USB circuit and perform as a fully functional USB stick and a promotional tool.

I feel it is vital to capture the fun element of this character and make this a device that people will not want ... they will feel they need!!!


sketching was just a starting point


To successfully design this product I now need to go back to the beginning.
Ultimately this product is going to be governed by the dimensions of the circuitry it is to house, the enclosure MUST be built around this, as this is one dimension that can not change.

Below are the given dimensions of this circuitry and this will be my starting point of the design.

Stage 2

Below shows a series of images that were produced during the development of my design, this shows all my considerations to sizing and positioning of the circuitry and changes in dimension to the logo to form the casing.

One decision that has been made is that I will be using the shortened version of the USB stick otherwise this product will be too large to form a practical product.

It must be graphically correct

During my development I did see if I could alter the form slightly to create a slightly narrower USB stick, however this quickly became apparent that this would be a bad move!!
It would be like altering the swoosh of the Nike tick... the brand would not do it! as this is their identity and would quickly make the product look unofficial and poor quality.

That's more like it!!

With keeping the 'Droid' in proportion now a high priority, the 2D image below was created.
This has kept the image to its correct proportions, made the USB circuit as small as possible and kept the enclosure tight to it.
This can now be used to assist in model making which will be the next stage before 3D design begins.

From this image I can now begin to consider the overall aesthetics of the product and how it will be created using CAD/CAM process', below shows my final 2D intended design and all my considerations to how it will be constructed.