In addition to creating a final product to comply with the given brief, this project is also about leaning all the relevant practical skills and theory to be able to successfully deliver CAD/CAM to pupils in school.
This page contains my learning development work and instructional information given by my support tutor Lohn Lee about this subject area.
The first stage to this project was to learn the basics of a CAD 3D modelling package, the one we are using for this project is Creo Elements/Pro for the vast majority, CorelDraw will also be used for certain elements.
As Creo had not been used by myself before, the first stage was to learn the basics, this was achieved through a series of tutorials with John Lee and John Stanley at the University.
Below are examples of created design work (that have been printed and annotated), utilising some of the basic and specialist features of Creo.
Posting the above images to this blog gave the opportunity to trial another new technology process.
As the above images were originally created in a traditional manner of ink printing with hand annotation in a sketchbook they needed to be digitised to allow posting.
To do this I trialed the use of a 'Scan to PDF' app available for modern smartphones.

This has worked but I am not overly happy with the quality of the images.
For introduction learning tasks I felt these were still wort posting as it demonstrates the use of modern technologies, however from now on any hand created imagery will be scanned using a high-resolution flatbed scanner.
As part of our personal development we were given tutorials in the use of '3D Printers' 'Fused Deposition Modeling' and 'CNC Routing', that could be utilised in the manufacturing part of this project.
Below are images & information of these process' that are from Learning Resources provided by John Lee at SHU (I have included these for reference purposes).
As part of our tutorials John introduced the importance of CAD/CAM with the following video.
This is Microsoft's Future Vision of Manufacturing and to me demonstrates why it is so important to prepare young minds for the possibilities of tomorrow.